Online taxi booking system in Budapest and some major cities in Hungary.Online taxi booking system in Budapest and some major cities in Hungary. No ph
Online taxi booking system in Budapest and some major cities in Hungary.
Online taxi booking system in Budapest and some major cities in Hungary. No phone calls necessary.
- Free taxi order service via the internet, from Facebook and smart phones
- Available in Budapest, Kecskemét, Miskolc, Nyíregyháza, Szeged and Sopron
- You don't have to register you can sign in with your Facebook or Google (Gmail) account
- You don't have to speak to any operators, the order can be sent in a few clicks
- Email or SMS notification about the success of the order, with expected waiting time
- GPS location detection on smart phones and via the internet
- Displays a Google map using Google Maps for Android v2, with your current location and places nearby
- Special TaxiMost places to fit the specialties of Budapest and Hungary, such as railway stations, parking lots of supermarkets or popular clubs
- Listing taxi companies available in your area, with availability statistics refreshed in 30 minutes (such as reaction time or average arrival time) and special features (wi-fi, accepted credit cards etc.)
- Route planning, time and cost estimates
- Multi-language support
- You can order a taxi to airports, railway stations, hospitals, clubs, bars, hotels, restaurants or even to the corner of two streets
- You can rate your previous orders and send comments